Mar 29, 2008

Enzo's back....

Mosta Hill house cat/mice hunter and 12 year companion Enzo Ferrari has luckily found his way home after 4 weeks away, he's most likely been locked up in someone's barn, shed or garage but the other day a scrawny Enzo came home again. He has been staying mostly inside since and I guess & hope he's learned a lesson. Not knowing what had happned with him I was almost sure I had seen him for the last time since the woods around Mosta Hill are full of fox, lynx, owls and other predators and he's never been away this long before....
DP says: Now everything is back to normal at Mosta Hill.....

Mar 27, 2008

LTO progress report...

Just so you all don't think I have given up on the madness. Project LTO has (sadly) had to take the backseat to a home improvement project at Mosta Hill that has sucked up both time & funds but it's not dead, I still have a crazy plan of driving it to the Strul MCC party at Mälaren Runt, I hope.....
DP says: Just looking at it gives me the shivers.....

The Formula....

It's been on and off the road so many times since it was first put together in the spring of 2002 I had almost lost interest in the girl but when Swedish streetfighter rag Bomber Magazine called and wanted to do a story on it I dusted off and fired her up, man is she sweet.... Paul "" Robinsson did a story for Twist & Go Magazine in 2002, it has also been featured in a Japanese Scooter Rag some years ago and I see pix of it on moped & scooter sites in all corners of the world so I guess it's safe to say, she's been around....
DP says: Good to be back to some PVC scootering.....